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Because we have fun and learn a lot of stuff, we want to share with you ❤️

Software development

Nixa TV series

At Nixa, when we like, we share, and at Nixa, we like to watch series, so today I asked four of the Geniuses to share their TV series recommendations. For Aurélia, no hesitation, the series she chooses is The Walking Dead, currently in the middle of filming season 6, because, I quote, “zombies are cool, and then there is Daryl”.

The net present value (NPV) of an investment

In situations where cash flows - cash inflows or outflows - occur at different points in time, generated by a project or investment, the net present value - or NPV - is a quantitative tool that can support decision making. decision. The NPV is one of the most popular and relevant methods of evaluating future cash flows because it incorporates the concept of the time value of money.

JavaScript Frameworks

Some large-scale web applications are extremely complex. For their development, JavaScript (JS) cannot be used alone to create a stable base and guarantee the quality and durability of the code. That's why MVC (model view-controler) frameworks exist, providing structure and guidance for the development of these applications.

5 tips for a successful landing page

Une landing page, c’est quoi ? Une landing page, ou page d'atterrissage ou de destination, est par définition la page vers laquelle aboutit une campagne d’acquisition en webmarketing. La landing page est la clé d’une stratégie d’acquisition réussie et incontestablement un outil marketing puissant, ayant pour fonction d’assurer la conversion en récoltant des informations sur l’utilisateur. Elle permet d’amener l’internaute à effectuer l’action recherchée (par exemple accomplir un achat, remplir un formulaire, télécharger un document, etc).

Why create a blog for your business?

The first blogs appeared in the 90s and represent the first form of distributing personal content and sharing ad hoc information from other sources. In the early 2000s, we observed a popularization of the genre with the emergence of blogging platforms that offered a more neophyte public the possibility of publishing their content very simply. The types of blogs are multiplying, we will see the beginnings of social media.

Return on investment for a web project

The success of a web project is measured by how well it achieves its objectives. The objectives of a project can be multiple: customer satisfaction, increased market share or conversion rate, etc. While it's difficult to quantify the intangible, such as brand awareness or the real value of a follower on Twitter, there are financial indicators that will help you if your project objectives are solid and quantified.

What's new at Facebook

Facebook changes its algorithm: Facebook this week announced new changes to the display of its News Feed, aimed at improving the user experience by offering more content that interests them. In practice, this results in a display favoring the publications of friends (photos, statuses, videos) to the detriment of the content posted by the pages. The display will be modifiable by the user if he wishes to continue to see the publications of certain pages, but the default settings could harm the organic reach of the pages, already weak in general.

Berkshire Hathaway’s Golden Anniversary

For as long as I can remember, Berkshire Hathaway Type A shares have topped the list of the world's most expensive stocks. As you read this, the price of a single share stands at around $220,000 USD, the equivalent of 6 years' work at the average wage. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its creation, I'd like to take a look at the current situation.

SEO - List of best practices

Our goal: to optimize our web presence for search engines. Ergonomics: the basis of a website The ergonomics of a site can be defined by its ease of use for the greatest number of people with different configurations, with maximum comfort and efficiency. The 3-click rule: useful or not? The 3-click rule enables web users to find the information they are looking for on your site in a maximum of 3 clicks.

Python and web development

Le python, c’est élégant et simple. Python est un langage de programmation qui est dépourvu de symboles qui ralentissent l’écriture du code. On oublie les accolades pour englober les fonctions, l’esperluette et la barre verticale pour les opérateurs logiques et, surtout, la flèche de PHP pour accéder aux propriétés d’une classe.

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Nixa is a specialized programming firm, expert in complex and custom web development. Based in downtown Montreal, Nixa provides web and application development services to businesses and organizations around the world in search of quality and performance.