How Python Enables a New Age of Open-Source Game Developer
Unbeknownst to many in the continually growing community of Python programmers, a rising number of inventive game makers have come to find Python as suitable for their game. While Python as a language has made major strides in popularity over its approaching 30-year lifespan, it is only comparatively recently that it has begun to see use within gaming. In recent years, however, the rising popularity of Python has led to inventive game developers trying their hand at bringing their game ideas to life with the clarity and efficiency that Python brings to the table – and having great success.
Sep 22, 2017, 2 p.m.
Python and web development
Le python, c’est élégant et simple. Python est un langage de programmation qui est dépourvu de symboles qui ralentissent l’écriture du code.
On oublie les accolades pour englober les fonctions, l’esperluette et la barre verticale pour les opérateurs logiques et, surtout, la flèche de PHP pour accéder aux propriétés d’une classe.
Mar 12, 2015, 6 p.m.